Where to start interior renovation

and to avoid expensive modifications?

Renovating an interior, whether it is a new one or an aftermarket one, can be both a great success and a patchwork of bad experiences. What the end result will be depends only on how you prepare for it. So if you are starting a renovation,
this post is for you 🙂

First of all - strategy

If you have already completed the purchase of a flat, the next logical move will be to plan the next steps from scratch. I prepared especially for you, free of charge, Planner: Renovation strategy, which will take you through the hardships of interior design. Currently is available only in Polish, but soon it will also be possible to download the English version. Stay tuned 🙂

The most important questions you need to ask yourself are:

  • When do I plan to renovate
  • How much time do I have for renovation work?
  • Do I have a renovation team that will do the renovation on time?
  • What is the scope of renovation works?
  • What is my budget for interior finishing?

Interior measurement

The next challenge that awaits you is measuring the interior. Even if you have a projection from the developer, remember to correct the measurements after receiving the apartment. It is worth considering that the difference between the projection from the developer and the natural measurement may be several centimeters, and this is not an anomaly.

Prepare a sketch of the interior (it does not have to be perfect!) And mark:

  • dimensions of the walls
  • room height
  • dimensions of doors and windows
  • elements installed permanently (e.g. wardrobes, radiators)
  • location of electrical and plumbing installations and lighting points
  • all structural elements that are important in the design (e.g. columns)


One of the most important elements is the layout of the room’s functions. The comfort of using the space in the future depends on this step, so it is worth spending a bit more time on it. Fortunately, most of the information can be found on the web! 🙂


  • what activities you will perform in specific rooms
  • how long will you stay in this particular place
  • what you need / what is missing in the current layout
  • freedom of movement
  • height and dimensions of inhabitants
  • residents’ needs
  • the real possibilities of the room

It is worth preparing 2 – 3 versions of the functional layout and check which one convinces you the most.


In the age of the Internet, when we are flooded with information from everywhere, it is very easy to get confused. To unravel the confusion in your mind, it’s worth creating a moodboard using a Pinterest portal or creating physical boards of inspiration using newspaper clippings, samplers and testers.

I provide my readers with my own boards divided into categories, thanks to which the choice of the theme for the interior is much easier and more pleasant. Get access here.

I need a dollar

Time to identify your expenses. It is an absolute must if you do not want the renovation to turn out to be seriously underestimated during the finishing works. It’s a good idea to prepare the file in a spreadsheet and break it down into categories and rooms.


  • cost of finishing works
  • cost of finishing materials
  • equipment cost

Time for renovation!

To make sure everything goes smoothly, make sure that all the stages of designing and finishing the interior are timed.
Remember about:

  • the time of delivery / execution of interior elements
  • time of project execution – both if you make the project yourself and when you hire an interior designer
  • spare time for any “surprises” that like to show up during renovations
  • supervising construction works

I hope you will use my tips and you will soon live in your dream interior! 

Until next time!
